Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Garfield County Clean Energy Challenge for Homes

In addition to some great rebates for energy efficiency improvements, there is free online energy tracking!  Very cool!

Visit the CLEER web site.

NextGen Affordable Solar Home

Monday, October 25, 2010

Architecture of the Aspen Art Museum

What do you think of Shigeru Ban's design for the new Aspen Art Museum?

Do the clean lines complement the natural landforms around it?

Or is it too modern for an historic mining town?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Small-House Utopia

How do you convince an American public that smaller homes can be more virtuous than larger ones?  After all, we have been taught to chase after huge homes with a low cost per square foot for some time, now.
This is the next task at hand for American Ingenuity, figuring out how to make smaller, more energy efficient homes the norm.
Check out this great article in the NY Times.

It gives me some hope for the future of the small home!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Art in Denver


This was modern when I was a kid. 

Note to Liebeskind, this is the way NOT to design roofs in snow country.   I'd give it 10 years, tops.

Pierre Paulin's "Tongue Chair"