Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Off-Grid Solar Home in Lenado, CO

Here are some photos of a house of ours that's under construction.
It is off the grid, and has a current HERS rating of 13! That means it will use 13% of the energy of a code-compliant home, very close to net-zero energy usage, which may be achieved based on occupant behavior. The walls and roof are constructed with SIP's panels. It will have 3 tracking photovoltaic arrays and (8) 8 x 10 solar hot water panels. The exterior is designed to be low-maintenance, and a large part of the exterior materials are coming from existing buildings on site that are being deconstructed!
It is expected to receive a LEED-H Gold certification.
Check out our completed projects at: Green Line Architects Web Site

Also, check out one of staff's new web site at: David Rasmussen Design

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice work. All our homes should be like this!